Monday, September 30, 2013

An Experiment with Cut Bottle Tops ... Pendants?

I was cleaning out my work area and came across a Colour de Verre jewelry mold I've never used. I have a few pendants made with a different size mold listed in my Etsy shop. But in this case I was thinking about all the frit I have and should use. THEN during the night while I was wide awake and roaming through the internet, I saw a few pendants made with recycled glass. Remember the green plate I posted here a week or so ago? I made three at the time and still had the tops of the bottles in my trash!

I cut the tops into short stubs with the tile saw and used the grinder to level the edges. I also cut the tops from three blue beer bottles. Here's a photo. So don't you think this is a good experiment? Can't wait to see how they fire.

1 comment:

  1. Cant wait to see the results of your fusing - your engraved dichro is wonderful
