Sunday, September 16, 2012

Waiting for Blooms!

This morning while I was watering, I noticed buds forming on many of my potted succulent plants. It's little things like this that make my day, get me very excited! I rushed into the house to grab my camera, as it was the day's best light at 10:00 a.m. Remember when I posted photos of these plants and their blooms about a year ago? You can look back and skip this and the next few posts if you want as I again capture the buds forming into blooms. Boring? Well, not for me. (I will share another post soon telling you about a jewelry project a friend and I started that didn't work out. It's just too hot to solder in the garage right now, but I'll start at the beginning and tell you what happened ... maybe tomorrow.)

Here are those buds I photographed. I'll keep an eye on them and share photos later.

The next one is going to be interesting with SEVEN buds!!

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