Sunday, July 23, 2017


I forgot to post the finished Queen Nefertiti bracelet, which was the weaving challenge for last week. It's beautiful. I have the option of sewing tiny seed beads to the edges, but I don't think I will ... it is finished. I love the clasp.

The challenge for week 3 was to weave with a new material. I had seen a wonderful coaster that was made in one of the Mirrix Looms weave-alongs, so that was my project. I bought fabric and tore it into one-inch strips. My other challenge was to install the shedding device onto my loom. It started with my making my own heddles. Those are the white strings you see in the photo below. I did a happy dance after attaching the handle to the shedding device and everything worked. No longer did I have to go over and under every thread. Magic!

I finished one coaster and will now advance the weaving to the back so I can make another one on the same warp threads. It's pretty rustic looking, but I kind of like it! I think next time I'll use thinner strips. The edges don't look that great, but maybe you get better with experience. Also more experience is needed in ending and adding a new color. Maybe stitching the two ends together first ... ?

I've taken the weaving off the loom. Now I have to tie and cut the ends.

Finally this afternoon I finished! And just in time, as we get a new challenge tomorrow morning. I'll try one out tonight with my drink and see how I like it!

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