Monday, October 28, 2013

PICASSO Pendants

I wanted to show you a few of the Picasso pendants I recently listed in my Etsy shop. These are from the original firing. My second piece sits waiting to be cut up into pendants ... but I've been so busy working with clay. My first bisque firing of white clay pieces is done, and I just unloaded it to make room for red clay pieces. HELP! Anyway ... here are the pendants.

These last two pendants were fused a second time as an experiment, and I really like the effect!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Another Picasso Piece -- Wild and Crazy!!

I've been working with clay the past two weeks. So much fun, just hand building and rolling different textures on the clay. Why didn't I take photos? .... Those pieces are in the kiln now bisque firing. It's my kiln load full of white clay pieces. This morning I cleaned everything, put all my tools away, vacuumed .... so tomorrow I can start with red clay. The same tools, but different clay boards, different slab roller canvases ... everything already stained from red clay.

So yesterday after the kiln was loaded, I put together another wild and crazy Picasso glass piece. This one is really bright ... maybe too much color? I got out my Dremel and ball engraving tips today and started drawing on my glass piece. In about five minutes, the Dremel made a strange sound and completely stopped working. I got out my portable Dremel and of course the battery died after a few minutes. One more Dremel to try. It's one with the long flex shaft that would be ideal for engraving, but how to get the grinding wheel off and the engraving tip on? I finally remembered the little hole you had to insert something into, and also that you needed the special wrench from the Dremel box to loosen the fitting. Like magic, I was able to get it ready to engrave.

So the following two photos tell the story .... before and after. Yes, it has gotten wilder and crazier!!! More to come....

Saturday, October 12, 2013

"Dilution" Fused Glass Project

I love to try new things! Here's a simple fused glass project I completed from the Bullseye website. It's made using a white glass base, then blue and gray glass on top. The dilution effect came when I added the four clear glass pieces on top that sank down in the fusing process. Simple, but so nice.