Sunday, October 30, 2011

A new artist I love -- Jenny Hoople

Jenny Hoople creates jewelry out of river rocks and natural stones. It's amazing how many colors there are! She lives in Wisconsin and is so friendly and talented. I recently bought some of her Job's Tear Seeds and want to grow a few myself.  Check out her work:

She recently started another site, a new website for Nature Crafts. She says if you want to promote your own nature craft or you've found something you want to share, this is for you. I submitted a few of my own pieces and she posted a couple!  Here's that address:

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

RoseMarysClay on STATTEAM Blog today!

The STATTEAM on Etsy have featured RoseMarysClay on their blog today! I was approached by one of their leads, Jessi of DreamofaDream, yesterday to answer a few questions about myself.

Thank you so much Jessi and the STATTEAM for this honor!

Watching the Succulent Blossoms

Yes, I've been watching the blossoms on the succulents I showed you a few days ago. They are ballooning in size and getting heavier. The flowers are going to be gigantic! Here is the first photo I posted, and the photo I took yesterday follows.

More to follow .......

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Apple Bakers

Here's what I made with a half bag of clay Saturday and trimmed them on Sunday -- Apple Bakers. I first saw them while visiting friends and potteries on the East Coast. They are fun to make and great to use in the oven or microwave. A cored or sliced apple with sugar and cinnamon, then maybe vanilla ice cream? These are almost dry and will be ready to load in the kiln tomorrow.

We woke up to rain this morning! What a treat. My dogs love to run outside and get wet, then happily look for me to towel them off. Here's a photo of them -- Sarah and Geena.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


I have many different succulents, as well as geraniums, in pots all around my patio because these plants survive in the Southern California heat. The succulents have been in the same pots for years and sometimes look a little anemic, light green/gray instead of green. But they get a shot of Miracle Grow or Ironite now and then and continue to be happy plants.

Each succulent has a different bloom, and if you don't pay attention, you might miss it. Here's a succulent that I photographed today.

These are the blossoms:

Here's a group of blossoms I accidentally knocked off:

Here is the bloom -- isn't it beautiful, eerie, perfect, unbelievable?

And guess what? The flies love the blooms.

Friday, October 21, 2011


I love potatoes -- however they are fixed. Today I'm cooking a corned beef and am preparing a recipe called Calcannon (also known as Irish Potatoes or "Champ"). I'm a cookbook collector, and this recipe is from a local school cookbook and appears in the Men Only section. Of course, I ventured into that section first years ago. If you Google Calcannon, you'll find many variations, but it's always potatoes and cabbage. I usually make a half of the recipe.

8 medium potatoes
1/2 stick butter
1/2 cabbage, shredded
1 onion or 2 bunches scallions, chopped
1/4 cup milk or cream
Salt and pepper to taste
Optional additions:  chopped ham, cooked bacon

Boil the potatoes until soft. Meanwhile, melt the butter in a skillet and add the shredded cabbage and chopped onion. Cook until they start to brown. Drain and mash the cooked potatoes and then mix in the cabbage/onion mixture. Add the milk, salt and pepper. Place in a covered casserole and keep warm until dinner (or eat out of the pot).

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Etched Copper Earrings

I finished a pair of etched copper earrings that I made by running copper sheet through the rolling mill with a brass pattern. They really look good, better than the photos. The earrings are highly polished and the reflections are distracting. I should have taken a photo of the backs, which are so beautiful. The earrings could be worn either way -- reversible!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Stained Glass Photo Pendant Necklaces-Reversible

This morning I played golf. Climbing those hills really zapped my afternoon strength. But instead of taking a nap like I did last Monday, I decided to redo some photos on Etsy! I have two photo pendants that get a lot of attention in RoseMarysGlassArt, but I was never happy with the photos. I redid both the pendants today with patina and a protective coating while I watched a movie, redid the photographs, and also added a third photo pendant listing. All three are really nice and would be a great gift for someone, with or without a photo. They have an adjustable slip-knot cord.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Etched Copper Earrings

I spent the day yesterday at an Excel class. Everything in one day is a little too much to grasp, but the instructor always gives tons of handouts to use at home, as well as a practice disk. I really thought I should take the class so I could make my Etsy accounting a little easier (once I set up the spreadsheet, that is). Then there's the sales tax at the end of the year.

But today I forgot all that and got back to working with the things I love. I etched these two pairs of earrings earlier in the week and today dipped them into patina and finished them. They have my handmade lampwork beads as dangles.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Rescued Persimmons!

This morning I was unhappy to see two more persimmons on the ground that had been eaten like apples! A couple weeks ago I wrapped netting around the tree and that helped for a minute. So today I picked them all. The persimmons all have a little color, so I hope they eventually will ripen. The ones in the stores feel hard when you buy them, so there's hope for these, isn't there? I will put them in a single layer in a box, but should I cover them, leave them uncovered?

Last year on my new tree, my total crop was ONE! This year I had about 35, but am down to what's in this basket, about 20. A couple of these were pecked by birds, but I'm keeping them to see how they ripen.

And here's what's left on the tree. A persimmon that was enjoyed by a squirrel or rat. I would love to see his/her face in the morning when this leftover is all he/she finds! HA.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Lovely Dried Artichoke Blooms!

A few weeks ago I posted a photo of my dried up artichoke plants and the new growth already over a foot high. Well, I finally got out the long extension cord and the Sawzall and in minutes had everything cut up and into trash barrels. The photo of the bloom I posted at that time needs to be trashed, because here are the two other blooms that were left on the plant.  WOW.  Next year I'll get a photo of the bloom before it dries up .... it's REALLY beautiful.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Gourd Mask -- Wild and Crazy!

She has wild and crazy hair made of raffia and she loves it! Add a strand of beads and she's ready for anything.

Business Card Holder Stained Glass

I love this business card holder made with beveled glass. I have one on my desk with cards of my most important contacts, and it's a pleasure to see it each day.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Etching Photos

I wanted to share my latest etching experience which was done using a D battery and salt water.

Here's the set-up. The positive red wire and alligator clip gets attached to the copper wire holding my two earrings with the hand drawn swirls. The negative black wire and clip attaches to the copper wire holding a scrap piece of copper. A jar is filled with warm water saturated with salt. The two wires holding the copper pieces are put into the salt water.

Immediately you see bubbles forming and gradually the salt water turns a red brown color.

I left the earrings in for an hour, and there was definitely a beautiful etched pattern. Here they are out of the solution. They need to be washed and scrubbed.

Here are the finished earrings below. If you'd like to learn more about this process, please contact me and I'll give you the information I have. It's so easy and rewarding!

Beautiful Feathers!

A friend and I had been working on form folding with copper and brass several weeks ago. She said she had started a project at home and showed me bits and pieces of her progress on Skype. Never did I think she would complete such a magnificent project, having had no jewelry training. When I saw this yesterday, it blew my mind! When you have talent, you have talent. I had to share this with you, as I am so very proud of my friend.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

New Items on Etsy

The two beveled boxes I made over the weekend have already sold! I made another one today ... and will have to forget about weeding and laundry and .....

Here is the third pair of earrings I finished yesterday. Made with etched copper and my own lampwork beads.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

New Etched Copper Earrings

I finished two pairs of my new etched copper earrings. They are really nice ... if I say so. We found the process soooo easy, and I will share it with you complete with photos in a while. And if you have any questions, contact me and I'll give you a great website to refer to. No messy chemicals was the greatest advantage.

The top photo has hand drawn swirls and a border around the piece using a special pen. I added brown freshwater pearls on copper wire. The earwires are sterling silver.

My own copper green lampwork beads go nicely with the lower earrings with the center cut out. The pattern is also drawn on with a special pen. So easy!